freak out

freak out (plural freak outs)

  1. (slang, 1960s counterculture) A positive experience with LSD or other psychedelic drug; (antonym) bummer, bum trip.

freak out

  1. (slang, intransitive) To react (or cause to react) with extreme anger or fear to something to the extent that one loses one's composure or behaves irrationally; originally, 1960s countercultural term meaning to have a positive reaction or experience from the recreational, therapeutic or edificational use of a psychotropic – usually hallucinogenic or psychedelic – drug
    • 1991, Thelma and Louise (movie)
      Jimmy'll come in off the road, you won't be there, he'll freak out and call you a hundred thousand times...
  2. (slang, transitive) To scare someone.
Synonyms Antonyms Translations Translations
  • French: faire flipper (colloquial), faire paniquer
  • Russian: пуга́ть
  • Spanish: asustar

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