  • (RP) enPR: gŏn, IPA: /ɡɒn/,
  • (RP, dated) enPR: gôn, IPA: /ɡɔːn/
  • (Australia) IPA: /ɡɒːn/
  • (America) IPA: /ɡɔn/, enPR: gôn; (cot-caught, traditional New York City) IPA: /ɡɑn/, enPR: gŏn
  1. past participle of go#English|go
  2. Alternative spelling of gon or gon': short for gonna, going to.

gone (not comparable)

  1. Away, having left.
    Are they gone already?
  2. (figuratively) No longer part of the present situation.
    Don't both trying to understand what Grandma says, she's gone.
    He won't be going out with us tonight. Now that he's engaged, he's gone.
    Have you seen their revenue numbers? They're gone.
  3. No longer existing, having passed.
    The days of my youth are gone.
  4. Used up.
    I'm afraid all the coffee's gone at the moment.
  5. Dead.
  6. (colloquial) Intoxicated to the point of being unaware of one's surroundings.
    • 1991, Stephen Fry, The Liar, p. 41:
      ...she put on a kind of sing-song voice whenever she was pissed, it was one of the signs that she was really gone...
    Dude, look at Jack. He's completely gone.
  7. (slang) Entirely given up to; infatuated with; used with on.
    He's totally gone on her.
  8. (colloquial) Excellent; wonderful.
  9. (archaic) Ago (used post-positionally).
    • 1999, George RR Martin, A Clash of Kings, Bantam 2011, p. 491:
      Six nights gone, your brother fell upon my uncle Stafford, encamped with his host at a village called Oxcross not three days ride from Casterly Rock.
  10. (US) Weak; faint; feeling a sense of goneness.
  11. Of an arrow: wide of the mark.
Translations Preposition
  1. (British, informal) Past, after, later than (a time).
    You'd better hurry up, it's gone four o'clock.

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