to and fro

to and fro (not comparable)

  1. back and forth; with a reciprocating motion.
    • 1885, Richard F. Burton, The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night:
      But presently the fumes of the wine rising to his head, he became helplessly drunk and his side-muscles and limbs relaxed and he swayed to and fro on my back. When I saw that he had lost his senses for drunkenness, I put my head to his legs and, loosing them from my neck, stooped down well-nigh to the ground and threw him at full length, […]
  • French: çà et là
  • German: hin und her; hin und zurück; vor und zurück
  • Italian: avanti e indietro
  • Portuguese: para frente e para trás
  • Russian: туда́-сюда́
  • Spanish: de ceca en meca, palante y patrás

to and fro

  1. To go back and forth; to alternate.

to and fro (not comparable)

  1. (dated) Pertaining to something or someone moving forward and back to the same position.

to and fro (plural to and fros)

  1. (dated) The movement (of someone or something) forward followed by a return to the same position. May refer to a concept such as an emotional state or a relationship as well as a physical thing.

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