  • (RP) IPA: /ˈjuːzə/
  • (GA) enPR: yo͞o′zər, IPA: /ˈjuzɚ/

user (plural users)

  1. One who uses or makes use of something, a consumer/client or an express or implied licensee (free user) or a trespasser.
    • 2019, The Highway Code (United Kingdom) Road Users Requiring Extra Care
      The most vulnerable road users are pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and horse riders. It is particularly important to be aware of children, older and disabled people, and learner and inexperienced drivers and riders.
  2. A person who uses drugs, especially illegal drugs.
  3. (computing) A person who uses a computer or a computing network, especially a person who has received a user account.
  4. (pejorative) An exploiter, an abuser (a person who "uses" people, that is treats and regards people unfairly, selfishly and/or unethically).
  5. (legal) (dated) In land law, meaning either 1. or 2. above or use. Usually in singular form to mean use wherever there is assiduous re-use of precedents and aloof textbooks verbatim. Modern law, guarded against ambiguity, widely disfavors the term.
    • 2012, R. (Stephen Malpass) v Durham County Council, [2012] EWHC 1934 (Admin)
      As to evidence of user...
      As to quality of user (i.e. was use by the public "as of right"), the inspector found that the grass over the whole of the application land has been regularly cut...
      ...which the inspector did not find sufficient of itself to render user permissive. Moreover, the defendant could not, the inspector advised, rely on communication to users that access to the land was regulated. Deferment to users of the organised pitches...
  • (one that unfairly takes advantage of or exploits) parasite
Antonyms Translations Translations Translations Translations
  • Portuguese: explorador
  • Russian: манипуля́тор

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