thesaurus & dictionary > Support > Dictionary intent from am


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Roshan Xameer
1 post(s)

How can I query words via intents with am. I have already tried

"am start --user 0 -p livio.pack.lang.en_US -a intent.ACTION_SEARCH -es SearchManager.QUERY hello"

But it didn't work...

29-Jul-17, 11:11:39 Rispondi | Citazione | Report spam
145 post(s)

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I wonder why 'am', normally intent should be launched by another Android application, as described here:

Btw, please use the following command, pay attention to double hyphens and quotes:

am start --user 0 -a "android.intent.action.SEARCH" --es "query" "hello" "livio.pack.lang.en_US"

31-Jul-17, 18:14:55 Rispondi | Citazione | Report spam