thesaurus & dictionary > Dictionary - Feedbacks > Need changes on IPA Symbols..!!!!???


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Noushad Shafi
1 post(s)

How can we make out the IPA Symbols are they BRITISH / RECEIVED PRONUNCIATION/ AMERICAN..?? We can see here only IPA. It is not representing are they BrE or RP or AmE. It we cant understand what pronunciation they are. Please try to show them exactly what are they. Because IPA is the most and first important thing in English.

31-Oct-13, 7:28:43 Rispondi | Citazione | Report spam
145 post(s)

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Good suggestion, I have to investigate about a better implementation related to IPA in a future release of the english dictionary.

01-Nov-13, 14:51:07 Rispondi | Citazione | Report spam