thesaurus & dictionary > Dictionary - Feedbacks > TTS UK English


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Vojtech Sedivy
1 post(s)

Hello, thank you very much for your app. It is fantastic. I downloaded TTS UK English from Samsung, but your app is not using it. The dictionary still talks in American English. Is it possible to change it? How can I do it? If it is not possible, will you consider upgrading your app to allow it? Thank you again, great work.

08-Dec-13, 22:53:13 Rispondi | Citazione | Report spam
145 post(s)

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Hello, it is not possible to change the language in the current implementation.
Hopefully in the next release 2.2 I'll implement the following enhancement: in case the british language is set as default language in the android language settings the application will (try to) use the british tts.

In a later release (tbd) I'll implement an option to let the user to select either british or american tts.

09-Dec-13, 18:42:26 Rispondi | Citazione | Report spam