thesaurus & dictionary > Dictionary - Feedbacks > Feature suggestion: bookmarks and botes management


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1 post(s)

If feasible, can you add a way for us to manage bookmarks and notes? Like adding folders? Dictamp has a great bookmark organization where bookmarks can be seperated by color and title. This would be really helpful when learning new words by synonyms and similarities. Thank you!

24-Sep-22, 11:03:22 Rispondi | Citazione | Report spam
145 post(s)

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Thank you for your feedback.
We are already busy due to several improvements ongoing, including bug corrections, enhancing dictionary compression, optimizing memory usage, adapting apps to latest guidelines from Google, replacing deprecated classes.
And lastly, there are also lot of old user requests in the queue, so currently we cannot commit on new user requests.

24-Sep-22, 20:03:00 Rispondi | Citazione | Report spam