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From Middle English -les, -leas, from Old English -lēas, from lēas ("devoid of, loose from, false"), from Proto-West Germanic *laus, from Proto-Germanic *lausaz.
Pronunciation- IPA: /ləs/, /lɪs/
- Lacking (something); without (something). Added usually to a noun to form an adjective signifying a lack of that noun.
- (antonym(s) of “lacking”): -ed, -y, -some (having in considerable amount), -ful (having in abundance)
- French: sans
- German: -los
- Italian: senza, in-, s-, dis-
- Portuguese: sem, des-
- Russian: без-
- Spanish: sin, des-
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.001