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From Middle English -nes, -nesse, from Old English -nis, -nes, from Proto-West Germanic *-nassī, from Proto-Germanic *-inassuz.
This suffix was formed already in Proto-Germanic by false division of the final consonant *-n- of the preceding stem + the actual suffix *-assuz. The latter was in turn derived from an earlier *-at(s)-tuz, from the verbal suffix *-at-janą + the noun suffix *-þuz.
Pronunciation Suffix- Appended to adjectives to form nouns meaning "the state of being (the adjective)", "the quality of being (the adjective)", or "the measure of being (the adjective)".
- calm + -ness → calmness
- dark + -ness → darkness
- kind + -ness → kindness
- one + -ness → oneness
- Appended to words of other parts of speech to form nouns (often nonce words or terms in philosophy) meaning the state/quality/measure of the idea represented by these words.
- that + -ness → thatness
- tree + -ness → treeness
- thug + -ness → thugness
- French: -ité, -esse
- German: -nis, -heit, -keit
- Italian: -ità, -ezza
- Portuguese: -idade, -eza, -ez, -idão
- Russian: -ность
- Spanish: -idad
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.001