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- IPA: /ˌɑːfɹɪˈkɑːnz/
- A Germanic language descending from Dutch; the primary language of the descendants of Dutch and other European settlers, as well as many mixed-race (e.g. Baster) living in South Africa and in Namibia. Also, one of the eleven official languages of South Africa and until 1990 one of three official languages of Namibia.
- A term sometimes used of people from South Africa and Namibia (who speak Afrikaans), more properly called "Afrikaans people" or Afrikaners.
- (Afrikaans person) Afrikaner
- French: afrikaans
- German: Afrikaans
- Italian: afrikaans
- Portuguese: africâner (Brazil), africânder (Portugal)
- Russian: африка́анс
- Spanish: afrikáans
Afrikaans (not comparable)
- Of or pertaining to the Afrikaans language.
- Portuguese: africânder
- Russian: африка́анс
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003