Proper noun
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Proper noun
- Common Era, Current Era or Christian Era. Equivalent of AD. Like other era initialisms, often written in small caps.
- 1066 CE.
- Church of England. More commonly, C of E. Used in the names of church schools in England.
- Canadian English (also sometimes colloquially called "Canadian" or even "Canajan")
- Ceará, a state of Brazil.
- French: ÈC (ère commune)
- German: n. Chr. (nach Christus, nach Christo), n. Chr. Geb., n. Chr. G. (nach Christi Geburt), (please verify) n. d. Z. (de) (nach der Zeitrechnung), n. u. Z., (please verify) u. Z. (de) ((nach) unserer Zeitrechnung)
- Spanish: E.C. (Era Común)
CE (plural CEs)
- Civil engineer.
- Computer engineer.
- close encounter (CE-1, CE-2, etc.)
- (civil engineer) Civ.E., CIV E
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