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From Carib or Caribe, a people who lived in the West Indies, + -an.
Pronunciation AdjectiveCaribbean (not comparable)
- Pertaining to the sea and region of the western Atlantic bounded by South America, Central America, and the islands of the West Indies (such as Cuba and Hispaniola).
- French: caraïbe, caribéen
- German: karibisch
- Italian: caraibico
- Portuguese: caribenho
- Russian: кари́бский
- Spanish: caribe, caribeño
Caribbean (plural Caribbeans)
- (countable) A person native to the Caribbean region
- (countable) A member of the Amerindian tribes that inhabited the Caribbean region before the arrival of the Europeans
- French: Caribéen, Caribéenne
- Portuguese: caribenho
- The Caribbean Sea
- The countries that occupy the region of the western Atlantic bounded by South America, Central America, and the islands of the West Indies (such as Cuba, Hispaniola, and the Bahamas)
- Caribbeanist
- Caribbean Sea
- Carib
- Carib Indians
- Caribe
- Caribs
- French: mer des Antilles
- German: Karibik
- Italian: Mare Caraibico
- Portuguese: Mar do Caribe
- Russian: Кари́бское мо́ре
- Spanish: Mar Caribe
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