Christmas tree
  • enPR: krĭsʹ-məs-trē, IPA: /ˈkɹɪsməs tɹiː/

Christmas tree (plural Christmas trees)

  1. A conifer used during the Christmas holiday season, typically decorated with lights and ornaments and often a star or angel at its tip.
  2. (racing) A pole with lights, similar to a traffic signal, used for signalling the start of an automobile race.
    • 1990 January, Popular Mechanics, volume 167, number 1, page 96:
      Then, after a smoky-burnout to warm up the tires, you're lined up next to another competitor and the Christmas tree lights blink down... yellow, yellow, yellow, green!
  3. (oil industry jargon) The collection of valves sometimes found at the top of a working oil well.
  4. (bodybuilding) A pattern of muscles visible in the lower back, resembling in outline the shape of a conifer.
    • 2013, Cory Gregory, "Get Jacked! The 1,000 Rep Workout", Fitness Rx 11(4): 56.
      These are great for really developing that Christmas tree in your lower back and the proper arch at the top is key in that regard.
  5. (aviation, historical) A type of alert area constructed by the Strategic Air Command of the United States Air Force during the Cold War.
Translations Translations
  • Russian: фонта́нная армату́ра

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