see also: Communist
Pronunciation Adjective
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see also: Communist
Pronunciation Adjective
- Of, relating to, supporting, or advocating communism.
- French: communiste
- German: kommunistisch
- Italian: comunista
- Portuguese: comunista
- Russian: коммунисти́ческий
- Spanish: comunista
communist (plural communists)
- An advocate of a society based on the common ownership of property; a proponent of communism.
- (nonstandard) Any revolutionary or subversive radical.
- French: communiste
- German: Kommunist, Kommunistin
- Italian: comunista
- Portuguese: comunista, marxista
- Russian: коммуни́ст
- Spanish: comunista
communist (plural communists)
- A member of a (nominally) Communist party.
- A person who believes the philosophy of Communism.
communist (not comparable)
- relating to a (nominally) Communist party.
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003