see also: Heathenry

heathenry (uncountable)

  1. The state of being heathen.

Proper noun
  1. The old Germanic (Norse, Anglo-Saxon, etc.) religion(s).
  2. Any modern reconstruction of one of these religions; Germanic neo-paganism.
    • 2005, Jenny Blain, Chapter Five: Heathenry, the Past, and Sacred Sites in Today's Britain, Michael Strmiska (editor), Modern Paganism in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives, page 181 ↗,
      In Britain, Heathenry is the most common name used for an emergent religion based on the old gods, goddesses, and spirits (wights) that were part of everyday life in Northern Europe before the coming of the Christian era. Thus, Heathenry is, in some sense, a reconstructed religion. People often discover Heathenry through finding the mythology of Northern Europe and attempting to learn more about the culture and spirituality of this part of the world.
    • 2007, Melissa Harrington, Paganism and the New Age, Daren Kemp, James R. Lewis (editors), Handbook of New Age, page 436 ↗,
      Thus Paganism has come to be an umbrella term for a diverse spiritual network, which also includes modern Shamanism and Heathenry.
    • 2013, Jennifer Snook, "Reconsidering Heathenry: The Construction of an Ethnic Folkway as Religio-ethnic Identity," Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 52–53:
      Heathenry is a reconstructionist religious movement whose practitioners align themselves with ancient Germanic and Norse cosmology using literary, archaeological, and historical research to reconstruct a premodern worldview as they honor gods such as Thor, Odin, and Freya. In the United States, several distinct groups emerged including Ásatrú (Norse Heathenism), Odinism (focusing on worship of Odin), Irminism (German Heathenism), Fyrnsidu (Anglo-Saxon and English Heathenism), and Theodism (Neotribal Heathenism).
Related terms Translations
  • Russian: язы́чество
  • Spanish: neopaganismo germano, etenismo, etenería
  • Russian: язы́чество

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