Petri net

Named after Carl Adam Petri (1926–2010), German mathematician and computer scientist.


Petri net (plural Petri nets)

  1. One of several mathematical representations of discrete distributed systems, a 5-tuple (S,T,F,M_0,W)\!, where
    1. S is a set of places.
    2. T is a set of transitions.
    3. S and T are disjoint, i.e. no object can be both a place and a transition
    4. F is a set of arcs known as a flow relation. The set F is subject to the constraint that no arc may connect two places or two transitions, or more formally: F \subseteq (S \times T) \cup (T \times S).
    5. M_0 : S \to \mathbb{N} is an initial marking, where for each place s \in S, there are n_s \in \mathbb{N} tokens.
    6. W : F \to \mathbb{N^+} is a set of arc weights, which assigns to each arc f \in F some n \in \mathbb{N^+} denoting how many tokens are consumed from a place by a transition, or alternatively, how many tokens are produced by a transition and put into each place.
  • German: Petri-Netz

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