see also: Renaissance
  • (RP) IPA: /ɹəˈneɪs(ə)ns/, /ɹəˈneɪsɑːns/, /ɹəˈneɪsɑ̃(n)s/, /ɹəˈneɪsɒ̃(n)s/
  • (GA, Canada) IPA: /ˈɹɛnəˌsɑns/, /ˌɹɛnəˈsɑns/

renaissance (plural renaissances)

  1. A rebirth or revival.
  2. (historic) Alternative form of Renaissance#English|Renaissance
  • (RP) IPA: /ɹəˈneɪsəns/, /ɹəˈneɪsɑːns/, /ɹəˈneɪsɒ̃s/
  • (America) IPA: /ˈɹɛnəˌsɑːns/, /ˈɹɛnəˌzɑːns/
  • (New Zealand) IPA: /ˈɹenɘˌsɔns/
Proper noun
  1. The 14th-century revival of classical art, architecture, literature and learning that originated in Italy and spread throughout Europe over the following two centuries.
  2. The period of this revival; the transition from medieval to modern times.
  3. Any similar artistic or intellectual revival.
Translations Translations Translations Adjective

renaissance (not comparable)

  1. Of, or relating to the Renaissance.
  2. Of, or relating to the style of art or architecture of the Renaissance.
Translations Translations

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