Pronunciation Proper noun
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Pronunciation Proper noun
- (zodiac constellations): A constellation of the zodiac supposedly shaped like a centaur who is an archer.
- (astrology): The zodiac sign for the archer, ruled by Jupiter and covering November 23 - December 21 (tropical astrology) or December 16 - January 14 (sidereal astrology).
- French: Sagittaire
- German: Schütze
- Italian: Sagittario
- Portuguese: Sagitário
- Russian: Стреле́ц
- Spanish: Sagitario
- French: Sagittaire
- German: Schütze
- Italian: Sagittario
- Portuguese: Sagitário
- Russian: Стреле́ц
- Spanish: Sagitario
Sagittarius (plural Sagittariuses)
- Someone with a Sagittarius star sign
- French: Sagittaire
- Portuguese: sagitariano
- Russian: стреле́ц
- Spanish: sagitario
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.005