Pronunciation Noun
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Pronunciation Noun
- (countable) A category into which sexually-reproducing organisms are divided on the basis of their reproductive roles in their species.
- The effect of the medication is dependent upon age, sex, and other factors.
- (countable) Another category, especially of humans and especially based on sexuality or gender roles.
- 1792, Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
- Still there are some loop-holes out of which a man may creep, and dare to think and act for himself; but for a woman it is an herculean task, because she has difficulties peculiar to her sex to overcome, which require almost super-human powers.
- 1817, The works of Claudian, tr. into Engl. verse by A. Hawkins, page 43:
- "But now another sex, in arms, is brought, / And, realms to guard, are eunuchs able thought!"
- 1821, Lord Byron, Don Juan, Canto V, Stanza xxvi, line 148:
- A black old neutral personage
Of the third sex stept up.
- A black old neutral personage
- 1792, Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
- (countable) The members of such a category, taken collectively.
- 1671, John Milton, Samson Agonistes, 774:
- It was a weakness
In me, but incident to all our sex.
- It was a weakness
- 1780, Jeremy Bentham, Introduction to the Principles of Morals & Legislation, vi, §35:
- The sensibility of the female sex appears […] to be greater than that of the male.
- 1671, John Milton, Samson Agonistes, 774:
- (uncountable) The distinction and relation between these categories, especially in humans; gender.
- 2005 November 11, Guardian, 18:
- A lot of women now like men to pay for them on dates... We've dealt with the outdated view of sex underpinning this.
- 2005 November 11, Guardian, 18:
(obsolete or literary, uncountable, with "the") Women; the human female sex and those who belong to it. - 1789 November 3, Arthur Young, Travels... undertaken with a view of ascertaining the cultivation... of the kingdom of France, i, 220:
- The sex of Venice are undoubtedly of a distinguished beauty.
- 1789 November 3, Arthur Young, Travels... undertaken with a view of ascertaining the cultivation... of the kingdom of France, i, 220:
- (uncountable) Sexual activity, usually sexual intercourse unless preceded by a modifier.
- 1900, H.G. Wells, Love & Mr. Lewisham, xvii, 144:
- We marry in fear and trembling, sex for a home is the woman's traffic, and the man comes to his heart's desire when his heart's desire is dead.
- 1929, D.H. Lawrence, Pansies, 57:
- If you want to have sex, you've got to trust
At the core of your heart, the other creature.
- If you want to have sex, you've got to trust
- 1934, translation of the Qur'an (23:5) by Abdullah Yusuf Ali
- (The believers ... those ... ) who abstain from sex
- 1962 June 7, The Listener, 1006/2:
- Why wasn't Bond ‘more tender’ in his love-making? Why did he just ‘have sex’ and disappear?
- 1990, House of Cards, Season 1, Episode 3:
- It wouldn't work with you... Sex, I mean. You're... easy to be with. You're... you're not dangerous. You're my best friend, John. I couldn't have it on with my best friend, John. It would be embarrassing. Sorry. Honest.
- 1900, H.G. Wells, Love & Mr. Lewisham, xvii, 144:
- (countable, euphemism or slang) Genitalia: a penis or vagina.
- 1664, Thomas Killigrew, Princess, ii, ii:
- 1938, David Gascoyne, Hölderlin's Madness, 18:
- And the black cypresses strained upwards like the sex of a hanged man.
- 1993, Catherine Coulter, The Heiress Bride, page 354:
- She touched his sex with her hand.
- 2003 March 2, Daily News of New York, 2:
- And he put in a fake sex (penis) because he wanted to make the scene more real, more rude.
- (divisions of organisms by reproductive role) gender (sometimes proscribed: see usage note)
- (copulation) See also Thesaurus:copulation
- French: rapport sexuel, sexe, cul
- German: Sex, Geschlechtsverkehr
- Portuguese: sexo, transa
- Russian: секс
- Spanish: relación, sexo, (attributive) sexual
- French: sexe
- German: Geschlecht
- Interlingua: ia
- Portuguese: sexo
- Russian: пол
- Spanish: sexo, género
sex (sexes, present participle sexing; past and past participle sexed)
- (zoology, transitive) To determine the sex#Noun|sex of an animal.
- (chiefly, US, colloquial, intransitive) To have sex#Noun|sex with.
- (to have sex) do it, get it on, have sex; see also Thesaurus:copulate
- French: sexer
- German: (please verify) das Geschlecht bestimmen attention de, sexen
- Portuguese: sexar
- Spanish: sexar
- German: Sex haben
- Italian: langname=Italian
- Portuguese: comer
sex (plural sexes)
- (obsolete) Alternative form of sect.
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