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Synonyms- Formal terms
- cohabit (archaic)
- company (obsolete)
- copulate
- couple
- engage in sex
- exchange flesh (euphemistic)
- get physical
- have intimate relations
- have marital relations (euphemistic)
- have sex
- have sexual relations
- intercourse
- make love (euphemistic)
- share a bed (euphemistic)
- sleep together (euphemistic)
- Informal and slang terms
- bang
- bauf (rare)
- beat (UK)
- bone
- boff
- boink
- bonk
- bop
- bounce (AAVE)
- breed
- bump nasties
- bump uglies
- catch a dick
- dance (euphemistic)
- discuss Uganda (UK)
- dip one's pen in someone's inkwell (euphemistic)
- do it (euphemistic)
- do the deed (euphemistic)
- do the nasty (euphemistic)
- eff (euphemistic)
- engender (obsolete)
- expletive deleted (rare)
- feck (Ireland)
- frack (euphemistic)
- frak (euphemistic)
- frig (euphemistic)
- fuck
- get busy
- get freaky
- get it (euphemistic)
- get it on
- get jiggy
- get laid
- get one's dick wet
- get one's end away
- get one's freak on (US)
- get one's groove on
- get one's leg over
- get one's oats
- get some (US)
- get the dirty water off one's chest (UK)
- graft the forked tree (obsolete)
- go all the way (euphemistic)
- haul one's ashes (euphemistic)
- have it off
- hide the salami (euphemistic)
- hide the sausage (euphemistic)
- hook up
- hump
- jig-jig (chiefly pidgin)
- knock boots
- lay pipe
- lay the pipe
- make it (idiomatic)
- make out
- make the beast with two backs
- make whoopee
- meddle (now US dialect)
- ming (obsolete)
- Netflix and chill (euphemistic)
- play
- play hide the sausage
- ride
- rock and roll (US)
- roger
- roll around
- root
- see someone's etchings (euphemistic)
- sex (chiefly US)
- shag
- shelve (Wales)
- show someone one's etchings (euphemistic)
- slap bellies
- stick (US)
- tumble
- wango tango (rare)
- abstain
- keep it in one's pants (idiomatic)
- wouldn't touch with yours (slang)
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