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- absorbing
- alacrifying
- awesome (colloquial)
- banging (slang)
- bracing
- compelling
- distracting
- dramatic
- edge-of-the-seat (idiomatic)
- engrossing
- electric (figuratively)
- electrifying (figuratively)
- enlivening
- enthralling
- exciteful (archaic)
- exciting
- exhilarating
- exhilarative
- explosive (figuratively)
- fascinating
- hair-curling (figuratively)
- hair-raising (figuratively)
- heady
- heart-pounding
- heartstopping (figuratively)
- heartswelling
- intoxicating (figuratively)
- gripping
- impressive
- inspiring
- invigorating
- jiggy (slang)
- kicky
- mind-blowing (idiomatic)
- moving
- off the chain (idiomatic)
- pulse-pounding
- rip-roaring
- riveting
- rousing
- sensational
- shocking
- sizzling (figuratively)
- slam-bang
- spine-tingling
- startling
- stimulating
- stirring
- stonking (British)
- thrilling
- thrilly
- warm
- boring
- calming
- nonexciting
- restful
- relaxing
- unexciting
- wearisome
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003