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- astronomic
- behemothic
- big fat
- Brobdingnagian
- bulky
- colossal
- cyclopean
- Daniel Lambertish
- elephantine
- elephantic
- enormous
- gargantuan
- giant
- gigantic
- gigantesque
- ginormous (colloquial or slang)
- great
- great big
- honkin'
- huge
- hulking
- humongous (slang)
- humungous (slang)
- hunormous (colloquial or slang)
- immense
- jumbo
- large
- mammoth
- massive (colloquial)
- mastodonic
- mega-
- monstrous
- monumental
- mountainous
- outsized
- oversize
- oversized
- pantagruelian
- sizable
- sizeable
- stupendous
- super-
- supersized
- titanic
- tremendous
- vast
- whopping
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003