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- bloke (UK & Aus)
- boy (often derogatory)
- bro
- cat (dated)
- chap (dated)
- chappy (dated)
- cove (archaic)
- covey (dated)
- dog (slang), dawg (AAVE)
- dude (slang)
- fella (slang)
- fellow
- geezer
- gink (slang)
- guy (slang)
- homeboy (AAVE)
- homey (AAVE)
- nigga (AAVE)
- ninja (uncommon slang)
- pillicock (affectionate slang)
- punk (dated rare slang)
- wallah (dated)
- rooster (NZ)
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003