see also: XOR
  • IPA: /ɛks ˈɔː(ɹ)/, /ˈzɔː(ɹ)/

xor (plural xors)

  1. The logic function exclusive OR (as opposed to inclusive OR), whose output is true only when exactly one of its inputs is true.
  • French: ou exclusif
  • German: Exklusiv oder
  • Portuguese: xor, ou exclusivo
  • Spanish: o exclusivo
  1. (rare) or (but not both)
    • 2002, "Rob Janssen", The rock argument (on Internet newsgroup alt.atheism)
      The argument leads to the conclusion that an omnipotent being could rationally be able to do one xor the other and still be omnipotent.
  • either … or

  • IPA: /ˈɛks ˈɔɹ/

xor (plural xors)

XOR Truth Table
Input Output
A A || B
0 0 0 || 0 || 0
0 1 0 || 1 || 1
1 0 1 || 0 || 1
1 1 1 || 1 || 0

  1. (logic) The connective "exclusive or".
    The XOR of (0,0) is 0; (0,1) is 1; (1,0) is 1; and (1,1) is 0.
  2. (electrical engineering) A logic gate that implements "exclusive or".
  3. (programming) The symbolic representation that implements "exclusive or".
    XOR can be used to add bits without carrying.
Translations Synonyms Antonyms
  • (electrical engineering) XNOR

xor (xors, present participle xoring; past and past participle xored)

  1. (transitive, computing) To perform the XOR function upon.
    • 1989, IEEE Communications Society, Conference Record
      The XORed sequence has the same period as the sequence that is not XORed.
    • 1998, Stafford Tavares, Henk Meijer, Selected Areas in Cryptography
      XORing different constants into the four s-boxes in such a cipher has exactly the same effect as XORing a single constant into each round function output.

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