see also: ACME, Acme
  • IPA: /ˈæk.mi/

acme (plural acmes)

  1. The top or highest point; pinnacle; culmination. [c. 1610]
    • , Alexander Pope
      The very acme and pitch of life for epic poetry.
    • , I. Taylor
      The moment when a certain power reaches the acme of its supremacy.
  2. (medicine) The crisis or height of a disease.
  3. Mature age; full bloom of life.
Synonyms Translations Translations Translations
  • French: force de l'âge
  • German: Blüte des Lebens
  • Italian: colmo, apogeo
  • Russian: расцвет

Proper noun
  1. (fiction) A generic large company or corporation.
    • 2012 September 29, Adam Felber, Wait, Wait... Don’t Tell Me!, National Public Radio
      [Netanyahu] showed everybody how close Iran was to getting nuclear weapons by having this spherical cartoon bomb with a wick coming up like ACME style. I was watching this thing thinking, are we worried about Ahmadinejad or are we worried about Inspector Clouseau?

Proper noun
  1. A village in Alberta, Canada.
  2. An unincorporated community in Hamilton Township, Jackson County.
  3. An unincorporated community in Dickinson County, Kansas.
  4. An unincorporated community in Concordia Parish, Louisiana.
  5. An unincorporated community in Columbus County, North Carolina.
  6. An unincorporated community in Westmoreland County, and.
  7. A ghost town in Oklahoma.
  8. A ghost town in Texas.
  9. A census-designated place in Washington.
  10. An unincorporated community in Kanawha County, West Virginia.

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