
Borrowed from Medieval Latin acousticus, from Ancient Greek ἀκουστῐκός, from ἀκούω + -ῐκός.

  • IPA: /əˈkuː.stɪk/

acoustic (not comparable)

  1. Pertaining to the sense of hearing, the organs of hearing, or the science of sounds.
    Synonyms: auditory
    1. (architecture, of building materials) Used for soundproofing or modifying sound.
    2. (of a device or system) Using sound energy in its operation.
    3. (weaponry, of an explosive mine or other weapon) Able to be set off by sound waves.
  2. (music, musical instrument) Naturally producing or produced by an instrument without electrical amplification or the need thereof.
    acoustic guitar, acoustic piano
  3. (humorous or proscribed) Non-electric; mechanical.
    acoustic bike
  4. (Internet slang) Euphemistic form of autistic
    Synonyms: artistic
Translations Translations Noun

acoustic (plural acoustics)

  1. (usually, in the plural) The properties or qualities of a room or building that determine how sound is transmitted in it.
  2. (medicine) A medicine or other agent to assist hearing.
  3. Clipping of acoustic guitar

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