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- IPA: /ˈæ.d͡ʒɪk.tɪv/, /ˈæ.d͡ʒə(k).tɪv/
adjective (plural adjectives)
- (grammar) A word that modifies a noun or describes a noun’s referent.
- The words “big” and “heavy” are English adjectives.
- (obsolete) A dependent; an accessory.
- French: nom adjectif, adjectif
- German: Adjektiv, Eigenschaftswort, Beiwort, Wiewort, Beschreibungswort
- Italian: aggettivo
- Portuguese: adjetivo
- Russian: и́мя прилага́тельное
- Spanish: adjetivo
adjective (not comparable)
- (obsolete) Incapable of independent function.
- 1899, John Jay Chapman, Emerson and Other Essays, AMS Press (1969) (as reproduced ↗ in Project Gutenberg)
- In fact, God is of not so much importance in Himself, but as the end towards which man tends. That irreverent person who said that Browning uses “God” as a pigment made an accurate criticism of his theology. In Browning, God is adjective to man.
- Synonyms: dependent, derivative
- 1899, John Jay Chapman, Emerson and Other Essays, AMS Press (1969) (as reproduced ↗ in Project Gutenberg)
- (grammar) Adjectival; pertaining to or functioning as an adjective.
- Synonyms: adjectival
- (legal) Applying to methods of enforcement and rules of procedure.
- 18, Thomas Babington Macaulay, chapter 10, in The History of England from the Accession of James the Second, volume (
please specify ), London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, OCLC 1069526323 ↗:
- Synonyms: procedural
- Antonyms: substantive
- (chemistry, of a dye) Needing the use of a mordant to be made fast to that which is being dyed.
- Antonyms: substantive
adjective (adjectives, present participle adjectiving; past and past participle adjectived)
- (transitive) To make an adjective of; to form or convert into an adjective.
- Language has as much occasion to adjective the distinct signification of the verb, and to adjective also the mood, as it has to adjective time. It has […] adjectived all three.
- (transitive, chiefly as a participle) To characterize with an adjective; to describe by using an adjective.
- French: adjectiver, adjectiviser, adjectivaliser
- Italian: aggettivare
- Portuguese: adjetivar
- Spanish: adjetivar
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.006