Pronunciation Noun
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Pronunciation Noun
advocate (plural advocates)
- Someone whose job is to speak for someone's case in a court of law; a counsel. [from 14th c.]
- Anyone who argues the case of another; an intercessor. [from 14th c.]
- c. 1591, William Shakespeare, Richard III, First Folio 1623:
- I neuer did incense his Maiestie / Against the Duke of Clarence, but haue bin / An earnest aduocate to plead for him.
- c. 1591, William Shakespeare, Richard III, First Folio 1623:
- A person who speaks in support of something. [from 18th c.]
- 2011, Alix Lee, The Guardian, 9 Oct 2011:
- He became a tireless advocate for the needs of adults with IMD throughout Britain and internationally.
- 2011, Alix Lee, The Guardian, 9 Oct 2011:
- A person who supports others to make their voices heard, or ideally for them to speak up for themselves.
- ''Since she started working with her advocate, she has become much more confident.
- French: avocat, avocate
- German: Rechtsanwalt, Rechtsanwältin, Verteidiger
- Italian: avvocato, avvocata
- Portuguese: advogado, advogada
- Russian: адвока́т
- Spanish: abogado, abogada
- French: porte-parole
- German: Fürsprecher, Anwalt
- Italian: sostenitore, sostenitrice
- Portuguese: representante, defensor
- Russian: сторо́нник
- Spanish: portavoz, representante, vocero
advocate (advocates, present participle advocating; past and past participle advocated)
- (transitive) To plead in favour of; to defend by argument, before a tribunal or the public; to support, vindicate, or recommend publicly.
- To advocate the cause of thy client.
- This is the only thing distinct and sensible, that has been advocated.
- (transitive) To encourage support for something.
- I like trees, but I do not advocate living in them.
- (intransitive, with for) To engage in advocacy.
- We have been advocating for changes in immigration law.
- See also Thesaurus:advise
- French: plaider
- German: verteidigen, plädieren
- Italian: raccomandare
- Portuguese: defender, advogar
- Russian: отста́ивать
- Spanish: recomendar
- French: préconiser
- German: verteidigen, plädieren
- Italian: difendere, sostenere
- Portuguese: advocar, defender, argumentar a favor
- Russian: выступа́ть
- Spanish: abogar
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