  • (RP) enPR ălʹgə-rĭ-thəm, IPA: /ˈælɡəɹɪðəm/, /ˈælɡəɹɪðm̩/
  • (GA) enPR ălʹgə-rĭ'thəm, IPA: /ˈælɡəˌɹɪðəm/, /ˈælɡəˌɹɪðm̩/


  1. (countable) A collection of ordered steps that solve a mathematical problem. A precise step-by-step plan for a computational procedure that possibly begins with an input value and yields an output value in a finite number of steps.
    • 1990, Cormen, Leiserson, and Rivest, Introduction to Algorithms: page 1. Cambridge, MA, The MIT Press, 1999 (23rd printing)
      Informally, an algorithm is any well-defined computational procedure that takes some value, or set of values, as input and produces some value, or set of values, as output. An algorithm is thus a sequence of computational steps that transform the input into the output.
  2. (uncountable, obsolete) Calculation with Arabic numerals; algorism.
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