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From Ancient Greek ἀνα-, from ἀνά ("on, up, above, throughout").
Prefix- up, above, upward
- again
- e.g. anabaptist, anataxis, anastatic
- backward in direction, reversed
- thoroughly
- against
- e.g. anachronism, anamodernism, anatoxin
- distal, away from
- e.g. anacolpate, anaporate, anaseismic
- to grow or change in place; functionally similar
- e.g. anagen, anagenesis, anabranch
- (up) supra-
- (again) re-
- (reversed) un-
- (thoroughly) per-, pur-
- (against) contra-, counter-
- (distal) disto-, extra-
- (functionally similar) quasi-
- (antonym(s) of “up”): cata-
- (antonym(s) of “again”): removal of prefix
- (antonym(s) of “distal”): cata-, proxi-
- Portuguese: ana-
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