
From Ancient Greek ἀνα-, from ἀνά ("on, up, above, throughout").

  1. up, above, upward
    e.g. anafront, anagogy, anaglyph
  2. again
    e.g. anabaptist, anataxis, anastatic
  3. backward in direction, reversed
    e.g. anagram, anaplasia, anaphase
  4. thoroughly
    e.g. analysis, analyte, anatomy
  5. against
    e.g. anachronism, anamodernism, anatoxin
  6. distal, away from
    e.g. anacolpate, anaporate, anaseismic
  7. to grow or change in place; functionally similar
    e.g. anagen, anagenesis, anabranch
Synonyms Antonyms
  • (antonym(s) of “up”): cata-
  • (antonym(s) of “again”): removal of prefix
  • (antonym(s) of “distal”): cata-, proxi-
  • Portuguese: ana-

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