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anchorite (plural anchorites)
- One who lives in isolation or seclusion, especially for religious reasons.
- 1950, Will Durant, The Age of Faith, Simon and Schuster, page 792.
- About 1150 some Palestinian anchorites adopted the eremitical rule of St. Basil, and spread throughout Palestine; when the Moslems captured the Holy Land these "Carmelites" migrated to Cyprus, Sicily, France, and England.
- Synonyms: eremite, hermit, recluse
- 1950, Will Durant, The Age of Faith, Simon and Schuster, page 792.
- French: anachorète
- German: Anachoret, Eremit, Klausner, Einsiedler
- Italian: anacoreta, eremita
- Portuguese: anacoreta
- Russian: анахоре́т
- Spanish: anacoreta
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.006