  • (British) IPA: /ˈæn.əʊd/
  • (America) IPA: /ˈæn.oʊd/

anode (plural anodes)

  1. (electricity) An electrode, of a cell or other electrically polarized device, through which a positive current of electricity flows inwards (and thus, electrons flow outwards). It can have either a negative or a positive voltage.
  2. (chemistry, by extension) The electrode at which chemical oxidation of anions takes place, usually resulting in the erosion of metal from the electrode.
  3. (electronics) The electrode which collects electrons emitted by the cathode in a vacuum tube or gas-filled tube.
  4. (electronics) That electrode of a semiconductor device which is connected to the p-type material of a p-n junction.
Translations Translations
  • Portuguese: ânodo, anodo
  • Russian: ано́д

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