This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003
- IPA: /əˈpɹiː.ʃi.eɪt/, /əˈpɹiː.si.eɪt/, /əˈpɹɪʃ.i.eɪt/
appreciate (appreciates, present participle appreciating; past and past participle appreciated)
- (transitive) To be grateful or thankful for.
- I appreciate your efforts
- Synonyms: esteem
- (transitive) To view as valuable.
- You must learn to appreciate time
- Synonyms: esteem
- (transitive) To be fully conscious of; understand; be aware of; detect.
- It is essential for the reader to appreciate how important this argument is.
- I appreciate that what I'm asking you to do is very difficult.
- to test the power of bees to appreciate colour
- Synonyms: grasp
- (intransitive, transitive) To increase in value.
- The value of his portfolio appreciated by 80% over eight years.
- lest a sudden peace should appreciate the money
- Antonyms: depreciate
- French: être reconnaissant de
- German: zu schätzen wissen
- Italian: apprezzare, essere riconoscente
- Portuguese: apreciar, ser grato, ser grata, ficar agradecido, ficar agradecida
- Russian: быть призна́тельным
- Spanish: agradecer
- French: apprécier (à sa juste valeur)
- German: zu schätzen wissen
- Italian: apprezzare
- Portuguese: valorizar, dar valor
- Russian: оце́нивать
- Spanish: valorar
- French: se rendre (bien) compte de
- German: verstehen, begreifen
- Italian: capire, rendersi conto
- Portuguese: compreender
- Russian: принима́ть во внима́ние, учи́тывать
- Spanish: comprender, hacerse cargo de
- French: prendre de la valeur
- German: im Wert steigen
- Italian: valorizzarsi
- Portuguese: valorizar
- Russian: дорожа́ть
- Spanish: aumentar su valor
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003