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From Middle French astrologie, and its source, Latin astrologia, from Ancient Greek ἀστρολογία, from ἄστρον ("star, planet, or constellation") + -λογία ("treating of"), combination form of -λόγος ("one who speaks (in a certain manner)").
Pronunciation- (British) IPA: /əˈstɹɒlədʒi/
astrology (uncountable)
- Divination about human affairs or natural phenomena from the relative positions of celestial bodies. [from 14th c.]
- 1971, Keith Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic, Folio Society, published 2012, page 274:
- For if astronomy is the study of the movements of the heavens, then astrology is the study of the effects of those movements.
- 2012, The Guardian, (headline), 7 Feb 2012:
- Followers of pseudosciences such as astrology often draw spurious parallels between their beliefs and established science.
- starcraft, astrosophy, astromancy
- astrologer
- astrological
- astrologically
- astrologism
- French: astrologie
- German: Astrologie
- Italian: astrologia
- Portuguese: astrologia
- Russian: астроло́гия
- Spanish: astrología
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.004