at the same time
Prepositional phrase
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Prepositional phrase
- Simultaneously.
- Synonyms: at a time, at one time, simultaneously, together, therewhile, Thesaurus:simultaneously
- Antonyms: individually, one at a time, separately
- 1749, [John Cleland], “(Please specify the letter or volume)”, in Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure [Fanny Hill], London: Printed [by Thomas Parker] for G. Fenton [i.e., Fenton and Ralph Griffiths] […], OCLC 731622352 ↗:
- I bid him come towards me and give me his letter, at the same time throwing down, carelessly, a book I had in my hands.
- On the other hand (introducing an opposing viewpoint).
- Synonyms: conversely, on the other hand, then again
- Antonyms: additionally, likewise, similarly
- French: dans le même temps, simultanément, en même temps
- German: gleichzeitig
- Italian: contemporaneamente, intanto
- Portuguese: ao mesmo tempo
- Russian: одновреме́нно
- Spanish: a la vez, al mismo tiempo
- French: d'un autre côté
- German: andererseits
- Portuguese: por outro lado, ao contrário
- Russian: в то́ же вре́мя
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003