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- IPA: /əˈtɛndənt/
attendant (plural attendants)
- One who attends; one who works with or watches over something.
- Give your keys to the parking attendants and they will park your car for you.
- A servant or valet.
- (mostly, archaic) A visitor or caller.
- That which accompanies or follows.
- (legal) One who owes a duty or service to another.
- French: attendant, attendante
- German: Begleiter, Wächter, Aufpasser, Aufseher, Wärter, Begleitperson, Aufsichtsperson
- Portuguese: assistente, atendedor
- Russian: слу́жащий
- Spanish: asistente, guarda
- German: Diener, Lakei, Kammerdiener, Zofe, Bediensteter, Bediener, Dienstbote
- Going with; associated; concomitant.
- They promoted him to supervisor, with all the attendant responsibilities and privileges.
- 1822, [Walter Scott], Peveril of the Peak. [...] In Four Volumes, volume (
please specify ), Edinburgh: Printed for Archibald Constable and Co.; London: Hurst, Robinson, and Co., OCLC 2392685 ↗:
- (law) Depending on, or owing duty or service to.
- the widow attendant to the heir
- German: zugehörig, anwesend, begleitend
- Portuguese: inerente, respectivo
- Russian: сопу́тствующий
- Spanish: concomitante, inherente
- German: abhängig, verpflichtet
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.002