Pronunciation Noun
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Pronunciation Noun
- The tendency to attract.
- The Moon is held in its orbit by the attraction of the Earth's gravity.
- The feeling of being attracted.
- I felt a strange attraction towards the place.
- (countable) An event, location, or business that has a tendency to draw interest from visitors, and in many cases, local residents.
- The new mall should be a major attraction.
- Star Tours is a very cool Disney World attraction.
- (chess) The sacrifice of pieces in order to expose the enemy king.
- French: attraction
- German: Anziehung, Anziehungskraft, Reiz, Liebreiz
- Italian: attrazione, attrattiva
- Portuguese: atração
- Russian: привлека́тельность
- Spanish: atracción
- French: attirance
- Italian: attrazione
- Portuguese: atração
- Russian: влече́ние
- German: Attraktion
- Italian: attrazione
- Portuguese: atração
- Russian: (as in an amusement park) аттракцио́н
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.002