Pronunciation Noun
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Pronunciation Noun
beggar (plural beggars)
- A person who begs.
- 1983, Stanley Rosen, Plato’s Sophist: The Drama of Original & Image, St. Augustine’s Press, p. 62:
- Odysseus has returned to his home disguised as a beggar.
- 1983, Stanley Rosen, Plato’s Sophist: The Drama of Original & Image, St. Augustine’s Press, p. 62:
- A person suffering from extreme poverty.
- (colloquial, sometimes, affectionate) A mean or wretched person; a scoundrel.
- What does that silly beggar think he's doing?
- (who begs) mendicant, panhandler, schnorrer, spanger, truant, see also Thesaurus:beggar
- (extremely poor person) palliard, pauper, vagabond, see also Thesaurus:pauper
- French: gueux, mendiant, mendiante
- German: Bettler, Bettlerin qf female, Bettelmann, Bettelfrau qf female, Bettelweib qf female, Bettelbruder, Bettelschwester qf female, Pracher, Pracherin qf female
- Italian: mendicante
- Portuguese: mendigo, mendiga
- Russian: попроша́йка
- Spanish: mendigo, mendiga, pordiosero, mendicante, limosnero
beggar (beggars, present participle beggaring; past and past participle beggared)
- (transitive) To make a beggar of someone; impoverish.
- (transitive) To exhaust the resources of; to outdo.
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