see also: Bible
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see also: Bible
- (British, America) IPA: /ˈbaɪbəl/
bible (plural bibles)
- An exemplar of the Bible.
- A comprehensive manual that describes something. (e.g., handyman’s bible).
- 1995, Gary Wolf, "The Curse of Xanadu", Wired Magazine ↗
- Computer Lib was written as a popular primer, but its most profound effect was on computer programmers, who needed little persuasion about the value of computers. Its tone – energetic, optimistic, inexhaustible, confused – matched theirs exactly. Having set out to appeal to the general public, Nelson managed to publish an insider's bible and highly intimate guide to hacker culture.
- 1995, Gary Wolf, "The Curse of Xanadu", Wired Magazine ↗
- (nautical) Synonym of holystone#English|holystone: a piece of sandstone used for scouring wooden decks on ships.
- (at certain US universities) A compilation of problems and solutions from previous years of a given course, used by some students to cheat on tests or assignments.
- 1965, Matt Fichtenbaum and Dan Murphy, “The Institute Screw” in The Broadside of Boston, vol. III, No. 22:
- quote en
- 1965, Matt Fichtenbaum and Dan Murphy, “The Institute Screw” in The Broadside of Boston, vol. III, No. 22:
- Omasum, the third compartment of the stomach of ruminants
- Synonyms: psalterium, omasum, manyplies, fardel
- IPA: /ˈbaɪbəl/
- The main religious text in Christianity.
- In my religion class we learn about the Bible, as well as religious texts of other religions.
- 2009, Across the Spectrum: Understanding Issues in Evangelical Theology, page 16:
- Many non-Christians regard portions of the Bible as “inspiring,” but they do not believe the Bible was “inspired by God” […]
- The Jewish holy book that was largely incorporated into the Christian Bible.
- She's Jewish, but she doesn't read the Bible because she's not religious.
- The analogous holy book of another religion.
- (Christian religious text) Christian Bible, Holy Bible, Good Book, Book
- (Jewish religious text) Tanakh, Tanach, Jewish Bible, Hebrew Bible, (loosely) Old Testament
- (other religious text) bible
bible (plural bibles)
- A specific version, edition, translation, or copy of one of the above-mentioned texts.
- (specific version or copy): bible
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003