see also: Bible
  • (British, America) IPA: /ˈbaɪbəl/

bible (plural bibles)

  1. An exemplar of the Bible.
  2. A comprehensive manual that describes something. (e.g., handyman’s bible).
    • 1995, Gary Wolf, "The Curse of Xanadu", Wired Magazine ↗
      Computer Lib was written as a popular primer, but its most profound effect was on computer programmers, who needed little persuasion about the value of computers. Its tone – energetic, optimistic, inexhaustible, confused – matched theirs exactly. Having set out to appeal to the general public, Nelson managed to publish an insider's bible and highly intimate guide to hacker culture.
  3. (nautical) Synonym of holystone#English|holystone: a piece of sandstone used for scouring wooden decks on ships.
  4. (at certain US universities) A compilation of problems and solutions from previous years of a given course, used by some students to cheat on tests or assignments.
    • 1965, Matt Fichtenbaum and Dan Murphy, “The Institute Screw” in The Broadside of Boston, vol. III, No. 22:
      quote en
  5. Omasum, the third compartment of the stomach of ruminants
    Synonyms: psalterium, omasum, manyplies, fardel
Related terms Translations
  • IPA: /ˈbaɪbəl/
Proper noun
  1. The main religious text in Christianity.
    In my religion class we learn about the Bible, as well as religious texts of other religions.
    • 2009, Across the Spectrum: Understanding Issues in Evangelical Theology, page 16:
      Many non-Christians regard portions of the Bible as “inspiring,” but they do not believe the Bible was “inspired by God” […]
  2. The Jewish holy book that was largely incorporated into the Christian Bible.
    She's Jewish, but she doesn't read the Bible because she's not religious.
  3. The analogous holy book of another religion.
Synonyms Translations Noun

bible (plural bibles)

  1. A specific version, edition, translation, or copy of one of the above-mentioned texts.
  • (specific version or copy): bible
Proper noun
  1. Surname

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