see also: BID
Pronunciation Verb

bid (bids, present participle bidding; past bid, past participle bid)

  1. (transitive) To issue a command; to tell.
    He bade me come in.
    • 1596-97, William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, Act II, Scene V:
      Shylock: [...] Why Jessica, I say!
      Launcelot: Why, Jessica!
      Shylock: Who bids thee call? I do not bid thee call.
      Launcelot: Your worship was wont to tell me that I could do nothing without bidding.
  2. (transitive) To invite; to summon.
    She was bidden to the wedding.
    • 1596-97, William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, Act II, Scene V:
      Jessica: Call you? What is your will?
      Shylock: I am bid forth to supper, Jessica: / [...] But wherefore should I go? / I am not bid for love; they flatter me;
  3. (transitive) To utter a greeting or salutation.
    • 1596-97, William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, Act I, Scene III:
      Portia: If I could bid the fifth welcome with so good heart as I / can bid the other four farewell, I should be glad of his / approach; [...]
Translations Translations Translations Verb

bid (bids, present participle bidding; past bid, past participle bid)

  1. (intransitive) To make an offer to pay or accept a certain price.
    Have you ever bid in an auction?
  2. (transitive) To offer as a price.
    She bid £2000 for the Persian carpet.
  3. (intransitive) To make an attempt.
    He was bidding for the chance to coach his team to victory once again.
  4. (ambitransitive, card games) To announce (one's goal), before starting play.
  5. (obsolete) To proclaim (a bede, prayer); to pray.
    • 1590, Edmund Spendser, The Faerie Queene, I.x:
      All night she spent in bidding of her bedes, / And all the day in doing good and godly deedes.
  • French: faire une enchère (at auction)
  • German: bieten
  • Italian: fare un'offerta per un'asta
  • Portuguese: oferecer
  • Russian: предлага́ть цена
  • Spanish: pujar
Translations Translations Noun

bid (plural bids)

  1. An offer at an auction, or to carry out a piece of work.
    His bid was $35,000.
    a bid for a lucrative transport contract
  2. (ultimate frisbee) A (failed) attempt to receive or intercept a pass.
    Nice bid!
  3. An attempt, effort, or pursuit (of a goal).
    Their efforts represented a sincere bid for success.
    She put in her bid for the presidency.
    He put in his bid for office.
    • 1967, William F. Nolan and George Clayton Johnson, Logan's Run, May 1976 Bantam Books edition, ISBN 0553025171, page 16:
      [Running,] Doyle had passed up a dozen chances to go underground. He was swinging east again making another bid for Arcade.
Translations Translations

bid (not comparable)

  1. (medicine) Initialism of bis in diē.: twice a day, two times per day.
    • 2014 — Seufert, Ken. (April 2014) "The New Dawn of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: Innovative Solutions for Unprecedented Challenges", American Pharmaceutical Review, 17(3):8–9.
      It has been repeatedly documented that moving patients from a TID dosing regimen to BID or OD vastly improves compliance, and thus the medicine's effectiveness.

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