

  1. Docile, amenable or compliant.
    • 1922, T. E. Lawrence, Seven Pillars of Wisdom, Chapter,
      The conscripts took their fate unquestioning: resignedly, after the custom of Turkish peasantry. […] There was about them a hopeless, fever-wasted lack of initiative, which made them the most biddable, most enduring, and least spirited soldiers in the world.
    • 2005, Tony Judt, Postwar: A History of Europe since 1945, Penguin, Part Two, Chapter XIII, p. 431,
      What Western diplomats thought they saw in Bucharest's anti-Russian autocrats were the germs of a new Tito: stable, biddable and more interested in local power than international disruption.
  2. (bridge) Suitable for bidding.

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