  • (RP) IPA: /ˈbɹɔɪlə/
  • (America) IPA: /ˈbɹɔɪlɚ/

broiler (plural broilers)

  1. One who broils, or cooks by broiling.
  2. (cookware, North America) A device used to broil food; part of an oven or a small stove; known as a grill in UK English.
  3. A chicken suitable for broiling.
  4. (archaic) One who excites broils; one who engages in or promotes noisy quarrels.
    • What doth he but turn broiler, […] make new libels against the church?
  • German: Bratrost
Translations Translations
  • German: Krachmacher, Krachmacherin

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