see also: Buddy
Pronunciation 1802, colloquial butty ("companion"), also the form of an older dialect term meaning workmate, associated with coal mining. Itself believed derived from 1530 as booty fellow, a partner with whom one shares booty or loot. Noun

buddy (plural buddies)

  1. A friend or casual acquaintance.
    Synonyms: bud, mate, Thesaurus:friend
    They have been buddies since they were in school.
  2. A partner for a particular activity.
    Synonyms: companion, partner
    drinking buddies
  3. An informal and friendly address to a stranger; a friendly (or occasionally antagonistic) placeholder name for a person one does not know.
    Synonyms: mate, fellow
    Hey, buddy, I think you dropped this.
Translations Translations Translations Verb

buddy (buddies, present participle buddying; past and past participle buddied)

  1. (transitive) To assign a buddy, or partner, to.


  1. Resembling a bud.
    • 1963, John Herbert Goddard, Chrysanthemum Growers' Treasury (page 18)
      Some of the dwarfer varieties are full of buddy growths in the early stages and these must be cut down and thrown away.

Proper noun
  1. A male nickname.
  2. (rare, chiefly, US) A male given name.
  3. A given name for a dog.

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