see also: BUN, Bun
Pronunciation Noun

bun (plural buns)

  1. A small bread roll, often sweetened or spiced.
  2. A tight roll of hair worn at the back of the head.
    Synonyms: French roll
  3. (Northern England, Ireland) A cupcake.
  4. (slang, British) A drunken spree.
  5. (Internet, slang) A newbie.
  6. (informal, mostly, in the plural) A buttock.
  7. (informal) vagina
Synonyms Translations Translations Translations
  • French: biture
  • Russian: попо́йка

bun (plural buns)

  1. (dialect, archaic) A rabbit or sometimes a squirrel.

bun (buns, present participle bunning; past and past participle bunned)

  1. (Caribbean and MLE, slang) To smoke cannabis.
  2. (MLE, AAVE, slang) To shoot.
    • 2004, MC Forcer, guest on Lethal Bizzle, "Pow!"
      Don't care about your crew, bun them anyday
    • 2011, Jme, "Mike Lowery"
      Some man acting dumb, think's he's a gun-man, wanna bring me drama. How you gonna bun me?
      quote en
      quote en

bun (plural buns)

  1. (Caribbean and MLE, slang) marijuana cigarette, joint
    • quote en

bun (plural buns)

  1. (Korean units of measure) A Korean unit of length equivalent to about 0.3 cm.


bun (uncountable)

  1. Initialism of blood, urea, nitrogen

Proper noun
  1. Surname

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