capital letter
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capital letter
- An upper-case letter (A, B, C, ... as opposed to a, b, c, ...), used for emphasis, for starting sentences and proper names, etc.
- (an upper-case letter) big letter, capital, majuscule, upper case letter, upper-case letter, uppercase letter
- (collectively) upper case, uppercase
- lower case letter, lower-case letter, lowercase letter
- minuscule
- small letter
- French: majuscule
- German: Großbuchstabe, Majuskel, Kapitalbuchstabe, Versal, Versalbuchstabe, Versalie
- Italian: maiuscolo, maiuscola
- Portuguese: maiúscula, letra maiúscula
- Russian: прописна́я бу́ква
- Spanish: mayúscula, letra mayúscula
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.005