Pronunciation Noun
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Pronunciation Noun
career (plural careers)
- One's calling in life; a person's occupation; one's profession.
- General course of action or conduct in life, or in a particular part of it.
- Washington's career as a soldier
- (archaic) Speed.
- when a horse is running in his full career
- 1843, Thomas Carlyle, Past and Present, book 3, chapter XIII, Democracy
- It may be admitted that Democracy, in all meanings of the word, is in full career; irresistible by any Ritter Kauderwalsch or other Son of Adam, as times go.
- A jouster's path during a joust.
- 1819: Sir Walter Scott, Ivanhoe
- These knights, therefore, their aim being thus eluded, rushed from opposite sides betwixt the object of their attack and the Templar, almost running their horses against each other ere they could stop their career.
- 1819: Sir Walter Scott, Ivanhoe
- (obsolete) A short gallop of a horse. [16th-18th c.]
- 1603, John Florio, trans. Michel de Montaigne, Essyas, I.48:
- It is said of Cæsar […] that in his youth being mounted upon a horse, and without any bridle, he made him run a full cariere [tr. carriere], make a sodaine stop, and with his hands behind his backe performe what ever can be expected of an excellent ready horse.
- You must draw the horse in his career with his manage, and turn, doing the corvetto and leaping.
- 1603, John Florio, trans. Michel de Montaigne, Essyas, I.48:
- (falconry) The flight of a hawk.
- (obsolete) A racecourse; the ground run over.
- to go back again the same career
- French: carrière
- German: Karriere, Laufbahn
- Italian: carriera
- Portuguese: carreira
- Russian: карье́ра
- Spanish: carrera
- Russian: карье́р
career (careers, present participle careering; past and past participle careered)
- To move rapidly straight ahead, especially in an uncontrolled way.
- The car careered down the road, missed the curve, and went through a hedge.
- Portuguese: voar
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