This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.005
- Of, relating to, consisting of, or resembling a cell or cells.
- French: cellulaire
- German: Zell-, zellulär
- Italian: cellulare
- Portuguese: celular, celular
- Russian: клеточный
- Spanish: celular
cellular (plural cellulars)
- (US, informal) A cellular phone (mobile phone).
- 1994, "Red Museum", (episode of The X-Files TV series)
- MULDER: Yeah, Eddie, this is all good stuff. Yeah, see what else you can find on him from the N.C.I.C. and call me back. At, at this number or on my cellular.
- 1994, "Red Museum", (episode of The X-Files TV series)
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.005