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- IPA: /ˈt͡ʃeɪnd͡ʒəbəl/
- Capable of being changed.
- Subject to sudden or frequent changes.
- The weather is very changeable today: we've had bright sunshine, clouds, wind and rain in the same half-hour.
- (of a species) Capable of camouflaging itself by changing colour.
- (capable of being changed) alterable, modifiable, variable; see also Thesaurus:mutable
- (subject to sudden or frequent changes) fickle, labile, variable; see also Thesaurus:changeable
- (capable of camouflaging) chameleonic
- French: changeable
- German: änderbar, veränderlich
- Italian: mutevole
- Portuguese: mudável, modificável, alterável
- Russian: изменя́емый
- Spanish: cambiable, cambiante
- French: changeant
- German: wechselhaft, wandelbar
- Italian: ondivago
- Portuguese: variável
- Russian: изме́нчивый
- Spanish: variable, cambiante
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003