Pronunciation Noun
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Pronunciation Noun
- An event or occurrence that signifies an ending.
- A feeling of completeness; the experience of an emotional conclusion, usually to a difficult period.
- A device to facilitate temporary and repeatable opening and closing.
- (programming) An abstraction that represents a function within an environment, a context consisting of the variables that are both bound at a particular time during the execution of the program and that are within the function's scope.
- (mathematics) The smallest set that both includes a given subset and possesses some given property.
- (topology, of a set) The smallest closed set which contains the given set.
- 1955 [Van Nostrand Reinhold], John L. Kelley, General Topology, 2017, Dover, page 42 ↗,
- The closure (\mathfrak{T}-closure) of a subset A of a topological space (X,\mathfrak{T}) is the intersection of the members of the family of all closed sets containing A. […]
- 7 THEOREM The closure of any set is the union of the set and the set of its accumulation points.
- 1955 [Van Nostrand Reinhold], John L. Kelley, General Topology, 2017, Dover, page 42 ↗,
- The act of shutting; a closing.
- the closure of a door, or of a chink
- That which closes or shuts; that by which separate parts are fastened or closed.
- 1729 November 28, Alexander Pope, Letter to Jonathan Swift, 1824, The Works of Jonathan Swift: Containing Additional Letters, Volume 17, 2nd Edition, [,+wafer,+or+any+closure+whatever.%22&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiav5aEuIzaAhWEe7wKHcoKDJcQ6AEIODAD#v=onepage&q=%22Without%20a%20seal%2C%20wafer%2C%20or%20any%20closure%20whatever.%22&f=false page 284],
- I admire on this consideration your sending your last to me quite open, without a seal, wafer, or any closure whatever, manifesting the utter openness of the writer.
- 1729 November 28, Alexander Pope, Letter to Jonathan Swift, 1824, The Works of Jonathan Swift: Containing Additional Letters, Volume 17, 2nd Edition, [,+wafer,+or+any+closure+whatever.%22&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiav5aEuIzaAhWEe7wKHcoKDJcQ6AEIODAD#v=onepage&q=%22Without%20a%20seal%2C%20wafer%2C%20or%20any%20closure%20whatever.%22&f=false page 284],
- (obsolete) That which encloses or confines; an enclosure.
- circa 1593 William Shakespeare Richard III (play), Act 3, Scene 3, 1765, Samuel Johnson, George Steevens (editors) The Plays of William Shakespeare, Volume XI, 1808, page 97 ↗,
- O thou bloody prison […] / Within the guilty closure of thy walls / Richard the Second here was hacked to death.
- circa 1593 William Shakespeare Richard III (play), Act 3, Scene 3, 1765, Samuel Johnson, George Steevens (editors) The Plays of William Shakespeare, Volume XI, 1808, page 97 ↗,
- (politics) A method of ending a parliamentary debate and securing an immediate vote upon a measure before a legislative body.
- The process whereby the reader of a comic book infers the sequence of events by looking at the picture panels.
- 2009, Randy Duncan, Matthew J. Smith, The Power of Comics: History, Form and Culture (page 166)
- The comic book reader performs closure within each panel, between panels, and among panels.
- 2009, Randy Duncan, Matthew J. Smith, The Power of Comics: History, Form and Culture (page 166)
- German: Schließung
- Italian: chiusura, termine
- Portuguese: encerramento, fecho, término
- Russian: оконча́ние
- Spanish: clausura
- German: Schloss, Verschluss
- Spanish: cierre
- French: fermeture
- German: Hülle
- Italian: chiusura
- Portuguese: fechamento
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